Data protection
Information in accordance with Art. 13 and 14 EU GDPR
Information from the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis police in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on the processing of personal data.
Duty to provide information pursuant to Art. 13, 14 GDPR - General

Purpose of the processing of personal data:

The NRW police have the task of averting threats to public safety and order (averting danger). This includes the prevention of criminal offenses, preparations for assistance and action in dangerous situations.
In addition, the police must investigate and solve criminal offenses (criminal prosecution).
Another task is to establish and maintain the functionality of the police.

Legal bases:

The processing of personal data is regularly required as part of the tasks assigned to the police. It is governed by the laws applicable to the police, usually the PolG NRW and the StPO, but also other laws such as the Weapons Act or similar. In addition, the police also enter into contracts with service providers, such as towing companies or garages, which ensure and maintain the functionality of the police. These contracts are governed by civil law, labor law and similar areas of law and are subject to mutual consent.


The available data will be forwarded to the authorities/agencies to be involved (e.g. public prosecutor's office or licensing authorities) within the framework of the legal requirements in the event of averting danger and criminal prosecution.
In the case of contractual partners, data is forwarded to the bodies required to fulfill the contract.

Categories of personal data:

The data processed by the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis police may relate to all areas of life and therefore include every category of personal data. However, the data is only collected according to the occasion.
For example, a DNA sample may be required for a sex offender, while the business address and business owner may be sufficient for a locksmith.

Storage period:

The criteria for the retention period of witness, victim or defendant data are based on the StPO and PolG NRW. For example, witness data is automatically deleted one year after the end of a case. The deletion periods for personal data of suspects are subject to a number of parameters that result from Section 24 PolG NRW.
Data of contractual partners is only stored for the fulfillment of the contract. After the respective contractual obligations cease to apply, they are deleted.

Duty to provide information pursuant to Art. 13, 14 GDPR - employees/applicants

Purpose of the processing of personal data:

Personal data of employees are processed for the implementation of organizational, personnel and social measures, in particular for the purposes of personnel planning and deployment.

Legal bases:

The processing is based on the provisions of Sections 83-92 LBG NRW (pursuant to Section 18 DSG NRW also for employees). Further regulations may result from other legal provisions, collective agreements or service agreements.


Without the consent of the person concerned, the available data may only be submitted to the highest service authority or the authority authorized to issue instructions within the scope of service supervision within the framework of the statutory regulations. Doctors acting on behalf of the personnel administration authority may also be granted access.

Categories of personal data:

The data processed by the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis Police may relate to all areas of life and therefore includes every category of personal data. However, the data is only collected in accordance with the occasion.

Storage period:

Employees' data is generally stored for the rest of their lives or until the end of their pension entitlement (see Section 90 LBG NRW)

Duty to provide information pursuant to Art. 13, 14 GDPR - Interns

Purpose of the processing of personal data:

Personal data of interns are processed for the purpose of assessing, accepting and carrying out the internship.
By sending/submitting their application documents/data, interns or, if they are minors, their parents agree that we may process their data for the purpose of carrying out the internship. However, we expressly point out that participation in a police internship is not possible without your consent to the processing of the data.

Legal bases:

The processing of internship data is based on the consent of the applicant or his/her parents (see Art. 6 para. 1a GDPR). A security check is carried out in accordance with Section 18 (4) DSG NRW.


This data may not be transferred to external third parties without the consent of the data subject. They will only be used within the framework of the legal regulations for the processing of the internship within the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis police force.

Categories of personal data:

The data processed by the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis police from trainees can concern all areas of life and thus include every category of personal data. However, the data is only collected in accordance with the occasion.

Data collected from third parties:

In accordance with the provisions of Section 18 (4) DSG NRW, a security check is required for entering into an internship relationship, for which your consent is not required. The data may be processed in the process management and information systems of the police and constitutional protection authorities. Your data may also be transmitted to the constitution protection authorities for this purpose.

Storage period:

Data of interns will be deleted (Art. 17 GDPR in conjunction with § 10 DSG NRW) as soon as it is clear that they are no longer necessary for the internship. This will usually be the case after two years (subsequent issue of certificates etc., if applicable).

Duty to provide information pursuant to Art. 13, 14 GDPR - Contractor

Purpose and legal basis of the processing:

For your contract work with the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis police, a security check is required to maintain the security of our company with regard to your access to the premises, technology, etc.. Your consent is required for this in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) EU GDPR 2016/679. This is done by means of a declaration of consent signed by you in accordance with the provisions of Art. 7 EU GDPR 2016/679.


Your data will generally be processed by the Rhein-Sieg district police. Only those departments entrusted with carrying out the security check will receive your data. As part of this measure, your data may also be transferred to other police authorities.

Categories of personal data:

The data required for the execution of the contract will be processed. Categories of personal data pursuant to Art. 9 GDPR are generally not included here.

Data collected from third parties:

Insofar as information about you is available in the context of the data transfer to other police authorities mentioned under 4, this will be transmitted to us as part of the security check.

Storage period:

Your personal data will generally be stored in our company for 12 months after the end of your assignment. However, guarantees or similar may result in different storage periods.

Duty to provide information pursuant to Art. 13, 14 GDPR - submissions and complaints

Purpose and legal basis of the processing:

The Rhein-Sieg-Kreis police department processes your personal data to the extent necessary in order to deal with your request. The data is processed in accordance with the framework guidelines for processing complaints and submissions in the police sector (MIK NRW decree of 09.07.2020 - Ref.: 401-13.05.01-).


Your data will primarily only be used to respond to you and will not be transmitted to third parties, insofar as it concerns information about you that has been processed under our responsibility. Your data may be transmitted for a specific purpose to the judicial authorities and/or district police authorities to be involved in order to process your submission/complaint in full. The data will not be transmitted if you inform us that you do not wish it to be transmitted under any circumstances. However, this could mean that we are unable to fully investigate your submission/complaint.

Categories of personal data:

The data can relate to all areas of life and therefore includes every category of personal data. This also includes special categories of personal data in accordance with Art. 9 EU GDPR 2016/679.

Data collected from third parties:

The Rhein-Sieg-Kreis Police Department receives personal data from the recipients mentioned that it needs to process your submission/complaint.

Storage period:

After processing has been completed, the data will be stored for the purpose of proper file management. As a rule, the retention period is up to two years.

Contact details of the person responsible:

Landrat of the Rhein-Sieg district

Poststelle.rhein-sieg-kreis [at] (Poststelle[dot]rhein-sieg-kreis[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)


Head of the Rhine-Sieg District Police Department

Poststelle.rhein-sieg-kreis [at] (Poststelle[dot]rhein-sieg-kreis[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)

Contact details of the data protection officer:

Datenschutz.rhein-sieg-kreis [at] (Datenschutz[dot]rhein-sieg-kreis[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)

Rights of the data subject:

In accordance with the DSG NRW (new), you have the right to request information about your data or to object to the processing and to request the correction, deletion or restriction of the processing of your personal data.
You can also contact the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information at any time:

Land Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information NRW

Postfach 20 04 44
40102 Düsseldorf
Telephone: 0211 384 24-0
Fax: 0211 384 24-10

poststelle [at] (poststelle[at]ldi[dot]nrw[dot]de)

If the processing of your personal data is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time with effect for the future

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110