Burglars also use Facebook, Instagram and co.

Cell phone in hand with social media icons
Burglars also use Facebook, Instagram and co.
In today's digitalized world, social media such as Facebook, Instagram and other platforms have become an integral part of many people's everyday lives. They serve as a means of communication, a source of information and an entertainment platform. Unfortunately, it is not only normal users who have access to these social media, but also criminals who misuse them for their own purposes. One example of this is the use of Facebook, Instagram and co. by burglars. In this text, we take a look at the dangers that social media pose for the risk of burglary.

Burglars use social media for various reasons. Firstly, these platforms offer a wealth of personal information about users. Many people share pictures and posts about their vacations, their expensive possessions or even their current location. Burglars can use this information to spot potential targets and determine people's absence. Another reason is the possibility of contacting potential accomplices or identifying potential victims.

Publishing too much personal information on social media can significantly increase the risk of burglary. When burglars have access to photos or posts that reveal information about where you live, your daily schedule or prized possessions, it becomes easier for them to select a potential target and prepare their criminal activities. Sharing pictures from a vacation, for example, can signal that the home is unoccupied for a period of time, providing a convenient opportunity for burglars.

It is important to be aware of the dangers and take appropriate measures to minimize the risk of burglary. Here are some tips:

  • Check the privacy settings: Make sure your personal information is only visible to trusted contacts and is not publicly accessible.
  • Be careful with posts about your location: Avoid sharing information about your exact location in real time, especially if you are not at home.
  • Be selective when accepting friend requests: Only accept requests from people you know personally and trust.
  • Avoid sharing pictures of valuable possessions: Do not publicly display photos of expensive jewelry, electronic devices or other valuable items to avoid attracting potential burglars.
  • Watch your online habits: Be careful what information you reveal about yourself and how you present yourself online.
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