Cyberbullying, cybergrooming, sexting

Cyberbullying training
Cyberbullying, cybergrooming, sexting
Crime prevention makes secondary schools in the Viersen district fit

On February 23, the Viersen Crime Prevention Department offered a large multiplier training session on the topics of cyberbullying and co for all secondary schools in the district at the district hall.

The response to this event was very positive. A total of 21 schools took part. Representatives from the school counseling center, the Wegweiser project, child and adolescent psychiatry and the Office for Schools were also present.

The large number of inquiries from the entire district led to the creation of such a major event. "Almost every secondary school has to deal with these problems in everyday school life," says Chief Superintendent Michael Radloff from Crime Prevention. "With this training, we have provided schools with important tools and ensure legal certainty for those responsible," continued Michael Radloff.

This will not just be a one-off major event. There will be more events of this kind in the future to ensure that schools continue to receive advice across the board.


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